Set the multi-wavelength UV detector to measure absorbance at wavelengths (λ) of 280 nm and 260 nm during the run. The relative A280/A260 ratio of the AAV particles is used during analysis to indicate the full and empty AAV capsids. For more detail, see the example protocol displayed in Table 1 below.
Column Performance (Optional):
Attach the column to your chromatography system and wash it with water to remove the storage solution. Next, prime the column with the equilibration buffer A, inject the tracer (e.g., 1 M NaCl), and then chase with the same equilibration buffer. Measure the asymmetry and HETP to evaluate the column performance.
Equilibrate column by passing buffer A, the paired buffer B, and then buffer A again. Allow the column to reach pH and conductivity stability (i.e., signal plateau) respective of the buffer attributes at each of the three steps.
Sample Application:
Apply the sample. Wash column with buffer A until absorbances reach baseline or plateau, ensuring any loosely bound material is fully passed through. At a decreased flow rate, elute AAV using a linear gradient from 0% to 50% of buffer B over 50 column volumes. Collect eluate into fixed volume fractions.
- TIP: Smaller fraction volumes will allow a more precise collection of the “full” AAV samples.
Strip column with 100% of buffer B to remove more tightly bound material. For further column cleaning and/or regeneration, follow recommended protocols for your column.
Column Regeneration:
Wash column with water and follow with a CIP solution, water, 1 M Ammonium Acetate to neutralize column pH, water, and then re-equilibrate with buffer A. The column can then either be stored in vendor recommended storage buffer or solution (e.g., 20% Ethanol), or the process can be restarted from column performance if additional purification of sample(s) is needed.